

29 June 2015

Fringed Skirts for (a shaking!) Summer

photos via fifideluxe, thistimetomorrow, weworewhat, fashionvibe
We all need one to dance through Summer.

photos via polienne, thestylescribe, fashionata
Pensiero del giorno:
Vi capita mai, prima di addormentarvi, di avere un’idea brillante per un progetto, di scrivere una lettera a qualcuno nella vostra testa, di pensare a una frase divertente magari da pubblicare sui social?
A me succede spesso.
Poi di mattina regolarmente non ricordo quasi nulla.
E il progetto mi sembra già un po’ più opaco alla luce del sole.
Thought of the day:
Before falling sleep does it ever happen to you to have a brialliant idea for a project, to write a letter in your head, to think of something funny to write on socials the next day?
It happens to me all the time.
In the morning I don’t remember almost anything.
Or that brilliant project already seems a little duller in the sunlight.


  1. Ah such beautiful skirts! And yes, it happen to me too except it happens in the morning when I am just about to wake up. But once I am up, Poof!

    Rhea Gupte
    • :) exactly!

      Erica Blue
  2. anche a me capita spesso!

    • :)

      Erica Blue
  3. Great pieces!

    Have a great start of the week :)

    Beauty Follower
    • thank you, have a nice start as well!

      Erica Blue
  4. I love it! More fringes!!! :)
