Blue Notes

Blue Notes

5 April 2016

Blue Note – April 2016


A mix of personal thoughts.

A book about living a creative life: I bought and read “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert. The book comes with an horrible cover. The subtitle “creative living beyond fear” makes me think of one of those self-help manuals that I am not a fan of and I never read. And Gilbert is the author of “Eat Pray Love”, a novel that I didn’t liked and that I disliked even more when it was transposed into a movie. It is full of (American) clichés on the other countries in which it is set. One of the scenes that I remember causing me great laughter was showing a lunch in Italy where pasta, meat, vegetables and all the dishes were presented and served together and simultaneously on the table. But sorry, dear Hollywood friends, that’s not they way we eat in Italy. We serve the dishes with an exact order, one by one… But I digress. I said that I read this book about “creativity” and that it could have all premises for a book not meant for me. But well… I enjoyed it a lot. I had read good reviews and in fact Elizabeth Gilbert manages to treat the subject in a very good way, telling lots of anecdotes, many of them are her personal ones, and tips that really are useful or pleasant to read. If you have, or dream of having a creative job, or if you simply are passionate on something creative – playing table tennis, playing the violin, painting, dancing  – I recommend it. It motivates to not give up, not to fall into the “damned artist” trap and not complaining all the time. And above all that you should not care about what other people think of your work. For Elizabeth Gilbert it took more than ten years to write and publish her first bestseller, she could have given up long time before. But she did not. Because she knew she wanted to do one thing in her life, and that’s writing. And if I didn’t like her bestseller Eat Pray Love you see, that’s not the point, and it does not mean anything. And by the way “working hard” it’s not the solution for getting your dream job/life. It’s not that easy.

What’s the future of blogging? And what about Snapchat? Sabrina, the well-known blogger behind afterDRK, closed her blog this March. Reopening soon a new site called Into-it Magazine. Which features wonderful photos. But just photos, with a short caption. It looks somehow like Pinterest. I am reading more and more posts and articles telling us that “blogs are almost dead”. That Instagram and Snapchat are all we need now “to blog”. Well, if this is the future of (style) blogs I’m taking a step back. I don’t want to give up and surrender to image, Instagram’s and other apps supremacy. I still want to blog, to write, to take better photos, to go a little deeper into things than Instagram and Snapchat videos can do. Yes, if all we ask from style bloggers is to show us what they had for breakfast or their new bag it might work. But what if we wanted more? I’m still convinced that we still need the written word in our lives. Even for frivoulous issues, like blogging about fashion. I still want to read what people have to say. And not just watch them talking through a bunny-ears filter.

Instagram’s new algorithm. So, what changed in your Instagram feed? Are you desperate since MissFashion87 photos are not showing up any more? I don’t think so, and I don’t think that people even bother about the new changes. It’s a problem that affects only those who use Instagram to showcase something related to their job. And in fact some bloggers paniced. Begging to “turn on notifications”. Something that I’m not even considering to do on my phone, nor to ask people to do so for my profile. We have already enough notifications on our phones, I don’t want to have my screen on 24/7. And yes, I may have a “like loss”, you might not see all of my Instagram photos anymore. And that’s sad and bad for my job. But that’s life. Especially when you put your work in Mark’s hands. And he is more interested in doing his own business rather than supporting yours. So that’s another reason why I love my blog even more. That’s my place. That’s where I post what I think might be inspirational for me and for you. And there’s no Mark around.

A month without buying clothes. March was an ascetic month in terms of fashion purchases. Total receipts: 0. I read this sentence somewhere a few days ago: “I’m bored of being bored by fashion”. And yes I am too. I should not say it, but I am. My fast fashion purchases always leave me unsatisfied and I think I should go more for “less but better.” For friends as for clothes. I also read somewhere (sorry, I read and read and then I forget where I read things) that to create a perfect wardrobe you should only choose items that match with each other. So even if you are fishing a look randomly it would turn out as a perfect consistent look. Well, that’s a DREAM. Especially if you do not have a stylist living with you, along with your cook, the waitress and an infinite budget, this really is a closet-goal. A wardrobe that creates outfits by its own. Ah, so much extra time to watch videos on Snapchat!



Collage by me, photos via:

NYPL, abandonedabandoned (take a look at this site, it’s focused on pictures of abandoned places, some are really beautiful, although not even shot in an “artistic way”. The beauty of the ugly, so wabi-sabi).




  1. Che dire? Sono perfettamente d’accordo con te.
    Non farò mai i numeri delle outfit blogger e delle fashion influencer ma credo che continuerò per la mia strada sul mio piccolo spazio.
    Di Instagram mi dispiace, proprio perché non essendo una star non credo che questo cambiamento mi gioverà, ma tant’è. Snapchat non ho proprio il coraggio d’installarlo.
    Comprerò il libro sulla creatività. Senza la tua recensione non credo l’avrei mai preso in considerazione, anch’io odio i manuali americani di self-help.

    • prima o poi devi provare a dare un’occhiata a Snapchat, scoprirai che qualcuno è completamente diverso da come te lo immaginavi… (non sempre in meglio) ahahah! A piccole dose e se segui le persone giuste è divertente. Altrimenti a volte un una perdita di tempo in effetti…

      Erica Blue

    • <3 grazie

      Erica Blue
  3. Scrivi opinioni molto giuste. E ovviamente mi trovi d’accordo con te. Ma in questa società che non ha più valori, è difficile andare avanti e raggiungere risultati positivi. Ma sono certa che alla fine vinceranno le persone come te. Credici.

    • Ti ringrazio del supporto Paola!

      Erica Blue
  4. Ti ho appena aggiunta su Snapchat, se ti vedo slinguazzare col muso da cane ti screenshotto e ti denunzio al dio della moda

    • ahaha! prima o poi – quando avrò qualcosa di interessante da mostrare – mi paleserò su Snapchat. Munita di orecchie canine. O forse no…

      Erica Blue
  5. Beh io oramai leggo pochissimi blog (il tuo sempre) e mi è dispiaciuto per afterDRK ma effettivamente non lo seguivo più moltissimo mi annoiava ammetto e la versione nuova boh pensavo avessi qualche problema io di visualizzazione perché cliccavo sulle foto pensando di aprire un articolo e non usciva niente. Che senso ha?
    Mi piace leggere, mi piace la novità, si vede quando ci si impegna davvero per un blog (come il tuo) e non sai quanto mi spiace di aver perso la vena per scrivere il mio chissà… magari mi ci rimetterò presto!

    Non so quale sarà il futuro del blogging, non ne ho idea, ma so che ovunque andrà ne sarò sempre grata perché ho conosciuto tante persone interessanti (difficile da trovare altrimenti in una piccola realtà come Ancona, per carità possibile è ma un pochino più difficile) che sono diventate amiche, mi si è aperto un mondo che non è fatto solo di trucchi, abiti e borsette ma di passione e condivisione.

    Ho super bisogno di un libro così e se dici che ne vale la pena mi fido! Il film sì, era abbastanza forzato per non dire finto…
    Quanto hai ragione su quelle faccette di snapchat! Io seguo solo le persone per mera curiosità, non parlo e per come sono fatta (male eh) probabilmente non lo farò… ma in questo mondo così social mai dire mai!

    • Anch’io la prima volta che ho visto il nuovo di afterDRK ho pensato che non funzionasse! Mi chiedevo ma il post dov’è? 😀
      Ti ringrazio perché è vero mi segui da tanto e sono sempre contenta di leggere i tuoi commenti. E concordo, un blog ti mette in relazione con molte persone interessanti che altrimenti difficilmente avresti conosciuto e immagino che ad Ancona sia ancora più amplificato rispetto a una città come Milano.
      Il libro sulla creatività a me è piaciuto, ho anche sottolineato alcuni passaggi, cosa che faccio di rado, perché vorrei tornare a rileggerli.

      Erica Blue
  6. yes, especially about blogging! I’ve been thinking about blogging and where it’s going lately too. Granted, I don’t blog as a career, but it’s the words and the context behind the images that keep me engaged. Otherwise it sort of all turns into one big empty commercial…or at least that’s how Instagram can feel to me.

    • Exactly. There’s no problem for me that bloggers make out money from blogging, but they seems they can’t even publish one single photo or post without it being sponsored. There could be some more balance I guess…

      Erica Blue