Fashion, Lifestyle

Fashion, Lifestyle

23 April 2016

blueWEEKLY #16


1 | MIA Photo Fair in Milan: If you are in Milan next week – from 29th Aprile to May 2nd – and you love photography I recommend you a vissit to MIA, the international photography and moving art fair.

“MIA Photo Fair, conceived in 2011 from an idea of Fabio Castelli, is based on a unique element of innovation that distinguishes MIA Photo Fair from traditional Italian and international art fairs scene: one stand for each artist and each artist having his/her own catalogue. Composed of solo show, MIA Photo Fair offered a unique approach to presenting a solo exhibition at each booth and location detail. In 2015, on the occasion of its 5th anniversary and the World Exposition EXPO 2015 in Milan, MIA Photo Fair is expanding its particular format in Group Show booth that have a specific curatorial project, provided that it is inspired by the themes of Expo 2015. MIA Photo Fair was created with the aim of highlighting the transverse role that photography has come to play between the languages of expression of the contemporary art system”.

Here are some of the photos you can see there.

0_Giovanni Gastel Winnie Harlow per Glamour, 2015

Grace Kelly during the during the shooting of “To Catch a Thief”. Cannes 1954

Grace Kelly, Cannes 1954

26_Giovanni Gastel_press

30_Casper Faassen_press

31_Schilte & Portielje_press

32_Albert Watson_press

37_Angela Lo Priore_press

38_Arno Rafael Minkkinen_press 80_Mustafa Sabbagh_press


2 | Pink is the Colour: Another Magazine analyses the cultural significance of pink colour through fashion, architecture, art and film.

“So instead of being fixed, pink is rife for exploitation and subversion, and in recent years it has often been used by female artists and designers as a way of dismantling the very assumptions that accompany it. Consider this pink as the interloper: the Pepto-Bismol shade – deeper than cherry blossom and more chemical than petrol station carnations – that can’t be defined as only sweet and saccharine. In fact, having looked closer at its use and purpose over the years, it seems something far more subversive is going on…”.






3 | Kaleidoscope, Blend Colors and Patterns: I’m so tired of black & white homes, so thank you Gestalten for this new book.

“More and more people are turning to high-contrast spaces with brilliant wall colors and patterned sofas. Our new book Kaleidoscope is a showcase of surprisingly different residences that range from the beautiful to the bizarre. This book offers inspiration for anyone bold enough to re-imagine interior design in any way they can think of.”

kaleidoscope_pp050-051 kaleidoscope_pp102-103 kaleidoscope_pp104-105 kaleidoscope_pp120-121 kaleidoscope_pp124-125




4 | How a DHL T-shirt became this year’s must have [via The Guardian]: if you don’t know anything about Vetements and this “DHL” Tee than you need to read this article by The Guardian. Since everyone and their mothers in the fashion world is talking about the yellow Tee.

dhl-Margaret-Zhang-by-STYLEDUMONDE-Street-Style-Fashion-Photography0E2A1695-700x1050 dhl


5 | Fashion & Food, a Recipe for Success? [via Another Magazine]:








  1. Ho fatto un viaggio meraviglioso attraverso le foto. Adoro le foto che dicono qualcosa. Quanto al cattivo gusto della t_shit ti do completamente ragione.

  2. L’articolo sul rosa, super interessante… io non sono mai stata particolarmente simpatizzante ma da qualche anno (anzi per essere precisa da quando ho visto il film Il riccio, penso di ricordarmelo solo io questo dettaglio :)) mi ha iniziato ad essere simpatico questo colore.. poi la muuuoda ha fatto il suo lavoro ;)!
    Il MIA niente non ce la posso mai fare a venire… che peccato!!! La maglia della DHL… ehmm ok… Interni colorati? Adoro! La mia casa non potrà mai essere solo bianca e minimal, acquisto e mi innamoro di pancia non potrei mai pensare agli accostamenti cromatici!
    La mappa me la salvo per la prossima volta a Milano che mi manca davvero tanto, come ammetto, non avrei mai detto!!

  3. bellissimo articolo come sempre, la mia rubrica preferita (fossi in te la posterei di Lunedì!)

    • mhm, in effetti ci stavo pensando anch’io!

      Erica Blue