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2 June 2010

Inspiration: Denim Overalls

Denim Overalls are something that is always and never in fashion. Something you love or hate. Something you would never wear or something you love to wear in your free time. I think that there are no half measures with overalls. My mum used to dress me with short denim overalls when I was about 5-7 years old and I remember that I didn’t like them at all 😀 Now I would love to have one but I have no idea about how I would look like wearing it…




  1. j'adore le jean, et tout particulièrement la salopette, mais je n'ai pas encore trouvé celle que je voudrais

  2. I dont like so much denim overalls, but you know never say never ever…


    Collage Vintage
  3. carina la salopette ^-^.. ne dovrei comprare una

    Velvet Rose
  4. Love this trend, I am actually off to Mango's tomorrow to go and buy the one Elin is wearing :)
    Love it so much, and have been looking for the perfect one for so long and i think this might be the one :)


    The Fashion Cloud
  5. Unless you're Alexa Chung this look is bad I think! Having the overall bit flopping down, OK but up like a farmer ummm NO!!!

  6. even with this really nice collage, i am not sure ^^

  7. totally love it!
    your blog rocks!
    x amber

  8. Rihanna looks ridiculous!!! I used to wear one when i was five, but that´s it. Looks silly. And it´s difficult to find one that suits u.

  9. mm no su questo trend passo. dopo i tredici anni sono sparite dal mio guardaroba e credo sia giusto così!
    ultimamente però sto scoprendo un'insana passione per le tutine (corte!) e, per restare in tema, ne ho viste alcune in denim adorabili!!

  10. I prefer the short one. But the other one is very stylish.

  11. Wow, this is inspiration! :) I love overalls, especially the short ones.

    And what an honour to be in your collage… Thanks! 😀

  12. I looove those things. They are so casual.

  13. makes me want to get a pair of overalls now!

    do send me some crazy love over at :)

    Kookie B.
  14. Non so se sono pronta a tanto !!! ahahha…una prova la faro' decisamente !
    p.s. anche mia madre mi metteva le salopet !! ahahha infanzia difficile per noi !!

  15. Rihanna looks absolutely dreadful!
    But I love the way some of the bloggers have styled theres. Not sure if it's something I'll try, I wore them as a child, not sure I could now, perhaps I should try some on.

    Lydia xxx

  16. I want to love this, but I just can't. I can handle the shorts versions, but the long ones just are too much

    Great collage and post though! :)

    Becca Jane
  17. I love all!!!
    I love the post! Its great!!

  18. Personalmente non mi convincono particolarmente le salopette, saranno i nefasti ricordi d'infanzia… Però devo ammettere che davvero spopolano, e a buona ragione visto che sono proprio comode!
