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30 June 2010

“Ooops there’s a hole in my T-shirt!”

I’m aware that this is something that maybe not all of you will love. But I like odd things in fashion and thought that these photos were just too cool, I had to show you them. So I hope you enjoy the pics…even if you’d not wear Tees with holes at all!



  1. Who knew it would look this good?

    juliet xxx

  2. great idea to save an old shirt and not throw it away or cut it into pieces for drying the dishes 😀

    Fashion Guerillas
  3. amo queste t-shirts!! tempo fa ne ho comprata una da bershka (questa qui), mi è sembrato un compromesso meno "drammatico" rispetto a questi buchi enormi, seppure molto belli, ma forse un po' meno portabili.

  4. Adoro questo tipo di tshirt, ho anche cercato dei tutorial su youtube per farle home made ma niente!!

  5. So badass!!!


  6. bellissime tshirt. davvero complimenti.
    sul mio blog ho pubblicato il reportage che ho fatto alle sfilate di Parigi. mi piacerebbe sapere cosa ne pensi.
    let me know
    Nicola freshONpr
  7. Ooooooops!

  8. hah, I'm gonna do something like that, great trend :)

  9. I have to say, not a fan – but some great pics nonetheless

    Becca Jane
  10. Ne ho appena acquistata una! <3
    Post davvero interessante ed ispirante!

  11. The model at Gaultier must have ripped the holes in her shirt with that pointy bra! (stupid joke, I know)

  12. Avere le magliette modello "groviera" concederà alla mia lavatrice di sentirsi trandy… e io smetterò di arrabbiarmi ad ogni lavaggio!

    Arianna Di Privalia
  13. i can't figure out why someone would ever spend $80 on a torn up t shirt. just because it says balmain on the inside?? it just makes no sense to me. if you like the trend so much why not just diy it? i personally hate this trend. it reminds me of the ripped up hollister clothing everyone in high school spent a fortune on. why spend that much for something that looks like it came out of a trash can? i just don't get it.

    some of these where pulled off very well though (SOME).
