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28 July 2010

Summer Black… is the new black!

I know that you all wait for summer to dress in bright colours and prints but if you are a Little Miss Black like me I thought that this collage could be inspirational… Any of you that wear total black looks also in summer?


  1. I love this trend.. Love black besides the fact that it makes us hotter in the summer since it absorbs heat hehe >O<

  2. Se è vero che il nero non passa mai di moda è giusto anche che non sparisca a seconda delle stagioni…personalmente amo il contrasto Bianco d' inverno e nero d' estate!

    Arianna Di Privalia
  3. I adore black!It's the best color and although it makes you hot in the summer I wear something black every day:))

  4. bhè il nero funziona sempre! poco ma sicuro! 😛

  5. io amo il nero…sempre e comunque in tutte le stagioni!!
    passa da me se ti va!

    Gaia A.
  6. Il vestito di Rumi è a dir poco splendido! Io sto cercando disperatamente un paio di shorts in pelle nera!

  7. Bel post..è vero k il nero sta tornando dopo un periodo segnato da stampre floreali e tutte colorate..

    il classico torna sempre.. 😀

    ღ The angel of leopards ღ
  8. Oh gosh,those are some pretty amazing looks <3
    I love your collages so much!

  9. I just don't really like all black outfits in summer… even though it looks good on the girls you picked out!

  10. Love the ones from copenhagen street style,
    Rianna xxx

    Rianna Bethany
  11. i love black anytime <3

  12. <3 summer black

  13. Love black!!!

  14. Great! Black is definitively a summer colour too. I wore my all-black summer look a while ago, you can see it here:

  15. Nice images of black clothing. Like the first and 10th outfit most. Most outfits shown here are too casual for me, but still great.

    xoxo Sandra
