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27 December 2011

3×1: Printed Capes

Did you enjoy tour Christmas days? Found a perfect gift under the tree? After a few days holiday also from my blog I’m back with a new post, although maybe there will be still light blogging until the end of this 2011. So that I will be full of energy for my 2012 posts!

Allora come è andato il vostro Natale? Avete trovato il regalo perfetto sotto l’labero? Io torno con un nuovo post dopo qualche giorno di pausa dal blog. Penso che gli aggiornamenti saranno ancora in versione light fino alle fine di questo 2011. Per ricominciare full time e pieni di energia nel 2012!




  1. mia piacciono molto la prima e l'ultima, io ne ho una tartan e la uso tantissimo, adoro le cappe stampate!

    Patchwork à Porter

    Sabrina T.
  2. I have been seeing capes like these & these look specially cosy – love all there. Is the one on the right a vintage item?

  3. Great capes, especially the first and the second capes.

  4. Amazing CAPES!!!! I need top buy one urgently!!!!♥

  5. the first cape is awesome:)

  6. Merry Christmas! The capes are adorable – not something I'd wear myself, but I do love every look here. x

    Little Rus
  7. Although I'm going with a black cape, I looooove these pieces! WANT!

  8. mad for the plaid!


  9. I love the way you combine perfectly each fashion theme in one post, with different outfits! Your blog is perfection!

  10. Wow, I love them all! I don't like it when I love an item, but I look like a sack in it. This is a nice example!
