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6 March 2012

Destroyed Jeans

Found these two pictures (first one via Styloko, 2nd one unfortunately without credits on Tumblr) that show the new frontier of distressed jeans: completely destroyed jeans! You have to be “the right kind of type” to wear it but – in that case – I quite like it.

Ho trovato queste due foto (la prima via Styloko, la 2a purtroppo senza indicazione della fonte su Tumblr) e direi che eccoci alla nuova frontiera del jeans sfilacciato: il jeans completamente distrutto! Bisogna decisamente essere il “personaggio” giusto per indossarlo ma – in quel caso – a me non dispiace affatto.



  1. I love distressed jeans….partially or complete…but I don't like Elena's outfit, something is wrong..maybe jeans, or shoes or everything combined…

  2. un po' eccessivi per me! adoro le scarpe della ragazza a sx

  3. un pò troppo esagerati per me ma sù di loro rende !

    xoxo from france

    panna e caffè
  4. Big fan of distressed jeans, but I'm particular to the look on the left. Like you said, not everyone could pull off the jeans on the right. 😉


    The Habit

  5. I want the shoes from the second look! from the girl with the college jacket.. they are awesome.. do anybody know where I can find them ?
