1. Classy croissant mi piace tantissimo! Peccato che il bianco in generale non sia così facile da portare..

    Valeria Garbo
  2. Thanks for this post blueisinfashion :) Keep up your wonderful blog!

    xx pauline

    Pauline Lim
  3. Really like the post babe! So much inspiration going on right here for sure. I'm loving those Acne pants! :)


  4. Ive tried to pick a favourite and its haaaaarrrd! Some amazing outfits here. Love the Acne pants that are in the bottom last two pics (and I love Columbine!) but they are a bit out of my price range at the moment! Also love the ones with leather pants. Oooooooh its hard to choooooooose!

    Render Sublime
  5. Those jeans!!! I had them on as an outfits post, but it's even greater seeing them on others. The black leather pants on the left are so beautiful, they look like Balmain…Thanks for commenting on my other blog Erica, I really appreciate it!
