

13 January 2016

How to wear a White Turtleneck


Hello little guide on how to wear a white turtleneck. It’s not even easy to wear a white turtleneck. It always makes me think of ski-wear (is it my own weird association as I used to wear one in the mountains as a kid or does it make a collective sense?)

Anyway, nothing turns me on more (err, speaking of bloggers!) than to find a style blogger that wears and shows one piece of clothing one time, two times, OMG three times in a row! Three posts with a white turtleneck?? BINGO! A big thank you to Tsangtastic for showing us three great ways to wear a white turtleneck (groundbreaking! And I mean it for real).

On another side: why don’t do fashion bloggers this more often? Why do they always wear everything only once? I can’t even remember what they wear. So many clothes. Too many clothes. I know for you, you PRO Fashion Bloggers wearing a brand 1, 2, 3 times means $, $$, $$$ to pay for the brand. But what about all the other bloggers? I’m sure you wear your Zara trousers more than one time in real life, don’t you? So why don’t you show us? It might be inspirational for us readers, you know. And that’s why you should be blogging. It might even make you stand out from the blogger crowd. You will be recognized as “The Blogger that Wears Her Clothes More than One Time”. You will become famous for that! All brands will call you for collaborations! So you won’t have to wear your clothes more than one time. Ever again.

how-to-wear-white-turtleneck-2 how-to-wear-white-turtleneck-3 how-to-wear-white-turtleneck-4

Cover photo via elen, all other photos via tsangtastic.

Graphic editing by me.



  1. Io sono dell’idea che ,visti i tempi, è molto chic indossare un capo varie volte.

    • pure io!!

      Erica Blue
    • Ah grazie!

      Erica Blue