

15 January 2016

Brand Tip: Club Pétanque


I remember posting a LOT of T-shirt posts in the first years of my blog (maybe someone remembers them!). Those were years when new printed T-shirts brands were popping up eavery day. Slogan Tees. illustrated Tees, funny and motivational Tees, you had an idea and put on a T-shirts online shop. I guess there’s someone who made good money out of the business. I bought some for sure. The difficult part was to make a second collection. Because with the first one you had a surprise-effect but  what do make out of the second?

Anyway I liked today the idea of Club Pétanque, a French brand,that renewd my love for printed T-shirts and sweatshirts. A mix of retrò, maybe hipster, and US university college wear. I could wear one right now.

clubpetanque-1 clubpetanque-2 clubpetanque-3 clubpetanque-4 clubpetanque-5

Cover collage by me: interior photo via Fantasticfrank

All other photos & lookbook via Club Pétanque
