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18 March 2011

Diesel Island Event

Some photos of the Diesel store in Milan where I’ve been last Monday with Veronica, Elena, Alessandra for the presentation of the new Diesel Island Campaign. Besides of taking a look at their new SS collection we could get also have our make up and hair done and choose outfits to wear for a “shooting”. All things I actually didn’t do (although I have to say that the make up artist and hair stylist did some amazing work on the other girls!). I just took a lot of photos of and for the other bloggers 😀 Favourite items at the store: the biker boots you see below and the salmon and deep blue jeans Elena is wearing in her 2nd photo.

Ecco alcune immagini scattate nello store Diesel di Milano San Babila dove sono stata lunedì insieme a Veronica, Elena e Alessandra per la presentatione della nuova Campagna Diesel Island. Oltre a vedere la nuova collezione estiva avevamo a disposizione una make up artist e una hair stylist e potevamo scegliere degli outfits con i quali essere fotografate. Io in realtà (nonostante parrucchiera e truccatrice fossero fantastiche) mi sono occupata di scattare un sacco di foto per me e per le altre 😀 Capi preferiti nel negozio: i jeans skinny color salmone e blu intenso (che indossa Elena nella seconda foto) e i biker boots (che ebbene sì fanno parte della collezione estiva).




  1. Alessandra is wearing such a nice dress, is it form diesel as well?

  2. @Takota: yes it is, form the actual spring-summer collection, you'll find it in stores now :)

    Erica Blue
  3. Ciaoo! :)
    Gli stivali della terzultima foto sai firmi quanto costano?
    graazie :)

  4. @Viola: mi sembra sui 220 o 240 Euro, purtroppo non ricordo esattamente, sorry!

    Erica Blue
  5. Love your blog, can't go a day without it. Had a look in diesel website, they don't have it there, or, perhaps it looks very different to what it is like on the photo. Looks like a perfect dress.
