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13 June 2012

Inspiration: Summer Knits

Some days ago a reader asked me for some inspiration on Summer jumpers, so here it is! Hope it helps, I’m already inspired! (And if you need more take a look at an older post here).
Qualche giorno fa una lettrice mi ha chiesto un po’ di ispirazione su come indossare maglioncini leggeri d’estate. Spero che trovi qualche idea, io sono già ispirata! (E nel caso servissero altre idee potete dare un’occhiata anche a un altro post qui).


  1. Great inspirations! While it's June and it almost feels like fall it's great to have a summer knit!

  2. Loving that fourth all cream look – that girl looks perfectly polished! <3

  3. Il mio maglioncino preferito ieri non ha superato il passaggio in lavatrice :(
    mi piacciono molto gli abbinamenti col leo!

  4. Thank you!
    The jumper from last summer from 5InchAndUp is amazing. This was exactly the inspiration I needed for knitting myself something.

  5. Love open knits!!!
    I'm going to do an "open knit with a DIY project" next week, do you mind if I use your photo (linked back to you of course?)
    please let me know!!
    Thanks, Donatella

    Donatella M.
  6. There's nothing like a great summer knit, and I'm really loving each and every one of these looks!


  7. Fishnet jumpers are perfect for summer, great inspiration, thanks for the research !

    Daisy Roadster and Coco
  8. I adore summer knits. I love how I can wear knits all year round. I can't imagine what I'd do without them.

  9. per me i maglioncini d'estate sono diventati indispensabili, specialmente col tempo che abbiamo quà… gli ho adottati quotidianamente! ottimo post gioia!

    xoxo from france
