

31 May 2016

Fave Editorial: We’are all made of Stars


On Twin Magazine: “Much of the very matter that makes up every living being including you, dear readers, is comprised of particles formed shortly after the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago. Without going down the rabbit hole that is the law of the conservation of mass (matter is neither created nor destroyed), suffice it to say we are all up in this piece because the universe has been doing its thing since, well, time began. Alexa Chung is very much on the same wavelength with this cosmic origins story in the cover story to the Spring / Summer 2016 issue of Twin photographed by Mark Kean. Astrology is front and center in the story titled  “We’re All Made of Stars” and Alexa, a Scorpio, although slightly dubious about the premise, nevertheless brings her star power to bear on the topic. “If I had to make a case for astrology I’d say we are made up of particles of exploded stardust drawn together and reformed over billions of years, and so  much is still so far beyond our comprehension.” Heady stuff, but when broached by Alexa, everything seems right in the universe”.

Credits: Publication, Twin Issue XIV Spring / Summer 2016; Title, “We’re All Made of Stars”; Photography, Mark Kean; Creative direction, Becky Smith; Styling, Alexandra Carl; Hair, Kei Terada at Julian Watson Agency; Makeup, Lotten Holmqvist at Julia Watson Agency using Chanel S/S 2016 and La Solution 10″; Set design, Suzanne Beirne; Production, Rosa Curtain at Lock Studios; Photography assistance, Karl Axon, Conor Beary; Hair assistance, Rebecca Chang; Makeup assistance, Lucinda Worth; Set design assistance, Patience Harding, Georgia Coleman.










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