

31 March 2016

It’s that time again: Stripes + Jacket


When I read blog and web advices that should teach you how to “create your own style”, one of them always goes like “create your own uniform.” Which is great of course, we would all love to have our personal uniform, the one to wear whenever we feel uninspired, late or lazy. The problem is those articles never explain HOW to create that uniform. So that’s another empty advice you’ll find on the web.

But WAIT. What if this could be our uniform? A striped top (I could buy hundreds and still say that I “needed” it), throw on a jacket or a trench coat and a pair of jeans or trousers, and, well, you’re done! So here I go with my tangible advice, ladies and gentlemen.


Photos via:

1 | collagevintage, stockholmstreetstyle, alwaysjudging, viennawedekind

2 | stellawantstodie, janesneakpeak, blameitonfashion, trineswardrobe



  1. Adoro questa concretezza!proprio ieri ho preso l’ennesima maglia a righe…effettivamente mi serviva!
